Health and Safety at Camp


The days are hot and dry, while the evenings are cool, and the nights are cold. There are occasionally brief rain showers in the afternoon. Scouts are advised to wear proper sun protection at all times and bring adequate evening and sleeping gear. Rain showers, storms, and lightning may be the cause for shutdown of program areas to follow all BSA safety standards for hazardous weather. Lightning strikes, wildfires, and flooding are the most common concerns at camp. The Gorham Scout Ranch evacuation plan will take place in the case of wildfire or other camp- wide danger. If classes are cancelled due to weather, they will be made up to the best of our ability.


Units will be dining in the lodge; meals are served cafeteria-style. Quality meals are prepared by our experienced cooks. Second servings will usually be available for our hungry campers at each mealtime. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and fruit will be available throughout the day for those who would like a nutritious snack.

Fifteen minutes prior to each meal, each Troop will send two “table waiters” to the dining hall to prepare their respective tables. The dining hall steward will provide detailed instructions at the check-in tour. After each meal, the same two table waiters will clear their Troop’s table and sweep until they are dismissed by the dining hall steward. After dinner each night the dining hall is mopped by the table waiters. The table waiters can rotate each day/meal among the Scouts in the troop.

Field uniforms (often referred to as “Class A’s”) are only encouraged by camp to be worn for the evening flag ceremonies and dinners, unless the Troop is performing the morning flag ceremony, then it is required. We ask that a different Troop raise and lower the flags each day. This will be coordinated by the program director via the SPLs.


Due to the altitude and location of Gorham Scout Ranch, summer temperatures in the afternoon can be very high. It is important that every Scout, adult leader, and visitor be aware of their water consumption. Soft drinks, tea, or coffee will not replace water. Dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are all ailments we see every year. It is up to unit leaders, Scouts, and camp staff to ensure that everyone is drinking plenty of water. Scouts are expected to carry a water bottle with them at all times. Each Scout is expected to carry at least one-liter of water with them at camp.


Due to the primitive nature of the facilities at camp, it is of critical importance that all camp staff and unit leaders work to ensure that campers are following good hand washing procedures. Signs are posted at all restrooms and hand- washing stations. Please reinforce the importance of handwashing within your campsite. Keeping camp safe and sanitary is everyone’s responsibility. Hand sanitation will be required before every meal in the lodge.

Health Forms and Physical Examinations:

All youth and adults in camp must have a current BSA medical form parts A, B, and C on file with the camp medic. Visitors must bring parts A and B even if not spending the night. Any prescription medication MUST be checked in with the camp medic upon arrival to camp and will be stored in the med lodge. Exceptions must be agreed upon with the unit leader and the camp medic on a situational basis. All medication MUST be picked up at the end of the session. Unit leaders are responsible for collecting all health forms at the end of their camp session. There is no guarantee that forms that are left behind will be available after camp. Please make a copy of all forms BEFORE coming to camp.

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Gorham Communicable Disease Pla n Download
Guide to Safe Scouting Download