Campmaster Corps
What Is the Campmaster Corps?
The campmaster corps is a group of selected, trained, and registered Scouters who serve at council weekend camps
whenever troops, teams, Webelos dens, or posts are using any part of the camp property. Campmasters select their
own time and frequency of service, but they usually serve two to four times a year. The group is organized under
the leadership of the council camping committee. The entire project and its personnel are responsible to the Scout
executive or camping director, or someone appointed by the Scout executive or camping director. The corps
generally meets twice a year to evaluate its program, schedule ahead, and arrange for the training of any new
Campmasters are selected on the basis of their ability in several areas: outdoor skills, specialized knowledge of
nature and conservation, and leadership skills. All campmasters must have a record of demonstrated ability to get
along with people, to lead, and to act in an emergency. All campmasters must have a working knowledge of
Scouting, troop and team operations, Scout advancement, and Webelos Scout camping. Experienced and registered
Scouters, with the exception of unit leaders, are eligible for consideratio.
General Duties of Campmasters
These principles will serve to guide the work of campmasters.
- Each two campmasters serve one to four units per weekend. Preferably, they stay in the general vicinity of the troops.
- They render commissioner-type service to the units in camp, working with and through the youth leaders and adult leaders.
- An annual or semiannual schedule is made up with campmasters assigned for each weekend camp. In case of schedule conflict, the campmaster arranges his own substitute among other corps members and notify the council service center and the camp ranger of any change.
- Campmasters supply their own transportation, bedding, and food.
- Campmasters serve two to four times a year.
- The corps is a select group and should not be limited to a fixed number.
- Campmasters must be trained in the Scout method of camping, purposes of Scout camping, and the patrol method in camping. They should have completed Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.
- Campmasters coordinate the work of any specialists or merit badge counselors present so that units receive the maximum benefit from these skilled people.
- Campmasters submit a report to the camp ranger and council on their experience with each unit, along with an appraisal of its effectiveness.
- Campmasters are responsible to the Scout executive or to another staff member appointed by the Scout executive, or to the camp ranger. The campmaster corps is not be an organization. They do not become members of the council camping committee because of this service, but they do have a representative on the camping committee.
- Campmasters must attend campmaster training before performing their duties.